Ukrainian Dutch Music
by Nastya and Richard

The songs of our first CD "HOPE" explained

1. I have no home
The boy, due to a misunderstanding with his parents, left home and found new friends in the forest - fictional mythical creatures, but they need to return home. After February 24, 2022, the song acquired a different meaning for the Ukrainian people. Many people were left without a home because of Russia's war in Ukraine and now most of Ukrainian people don't have a home.
2. How not to love you my Kyiv
A legendary song about the heart and the capital of Ukraine - Kyiv. The lines of this song describe the beauty and grandeur of the city of Kyiv.
3. Thorns are blooming
A sad song about a girl who experienced grief in love - her boyfriend went to look for a new lover.
4. Cheremshina
This romance comes from Western Ukraine, which is more than 50 years old. The song is about a girl who sits in the garden in a quiet corner and is waiting for a shepherd boy. The Cheremshina tree blooms with white flowers in the spring and represents girlish tenderness and beauty.
5. Pear tree
Ukrainian folk song about a girl who was waiting for love, but suffered grief - "I don't want an old man, a young man doesn't know what he wants." And the pear tree is a symbol of a young, lonely girl.
6. Under a cloud
The song is written in an old Western Ukrainian dialect. Sometimes people think that love is not given by God, but on the contrary. Sometimes love hurts, deceives, makes you do crazy things. The Ukrainian people wrote a song about this kind of love.
7. Near poplar
War takes away their sons from parents, that's what this song is about. A mother is waiting for her son from the war and does not know whether he is alive or not, but her son has already become a hero, and his soul is already in heaven, which he gave to the will of new generations.
8. The red flower
A song by the Ukrainian composer Volodymyr Ivasyuk, which became a Ukrainian folk song. A song about a mystical flower - Red Ruta. It is known from legends that this flower grows once a year, but it gives eternal love to those who see it.